Jeff Brill

Jeff Brill

Licensee | Branch Manager

Jeff Brill is the Licensee of Mars Realty Group, adding collectively to a successful team which encompass decades of Real Estate experience. The Real Estate Sector has driven a passion for Jeff throughout his career and education. He has completed a Bachelor of Business Studies (Valuation and Property Management) at Massey and later completed a Bachelor of Property with Honors at Auckland University. Having been awarded Top Commercial Salesperson in Australasia in 2017, Jeff was inspired by the property market and went on to publish a book ‘The Sophisticated Property Investor’. The book is available in all major bookstores throughout NZ and covers the principles of commercial property with a bonus of how to find the opportunities to capitalize your investment. Jeff's innovative ideas lead him to develop an 8 module on-line course for commercial property investors, the only one of its type in NZ, which allows anyone to become a Sophisticated Property Investor in the field of commercial property. Ongoing professional development is the key to Jeff's success over his career, with an impact in his community and the trust awarded to him by the government agency as a member of the Public Advisory Board for the Real Estate Authority.